Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Why now? Why are you trying to rock my boat?

So I'm probably the last person on Earth to jump into a blog but I've had enough people suggest I write my thoughts out and share them that I figured they must be right!

I'm new to this whole thing (I'll probably make a mistake or three along the way) but I hope you bear with me. I've made a commitment to myself to post something at the very least weekly. Hopefully you don't find me to verbose and follow along for the ride (verbose...that's a nice word my wife uses so she doesn't have to come out and say I ramble).

In my career, one of the things I've always (yes, I know...always is an absolute me, you won't see me use it very often) excelled at is removing excuses/obstacles (you could call it streamlining or process mapping but in the end, all it really boils down to is removing reasons we don't, can't or won't accomplish a specific "thing").

I'm going to focus on that (removing excuses that is) and there will probably be more than a little bit of humor (because at heart I'm more than a little bit of a dork).

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